V4, I6
It is the tradition, at the beginning of every year, for various writers, artists, and “thought leader” types1 to give their thoughts on the coming days, on how we might be better people, more productive creators, more delicious snacks for incoming alien invasion hordes, and/or better employees for our taskmasters. Since I am, variously, a writer and leader of some type2, it falls to me to continue this venerable and much-needed tradition into 2024.
Except, I don’t wanna.
No, really. I don’t want to give you advice. I don’t want you to take any advice either. My advice to you3 is to ignore all the advice about how 2024 can be Your Best Year EVAR or how Your Words of Intention Can Make You Better. I won’t recommend any books nor will I rain inspirational quotes upon you like George Costanza’s dad rained blows upon the guy who took the doll he wanted to buy his son. I’ll only say this: You’re fine.
Really. You’re fine.
You may not seem fine, but you’re fine. You’re getting through the day. You’re creating something, and while it might not be exactly what you want, nor the vast quantity you want, you’re making it happen. You’re dealing with being sad or being sick or moving to a new place or a new job. You’re enduring a job you hate to get the bills paid and take care of the family who needs you. You’re cranking out your stories or poems or illustrations, waiting (patiently or not) for one of them to hit. You’re caring for people who need your care. You’re loving your family and friends and carrying burdens that might break someone else’s legs.
You’re fine. You don’t need some new way to live 2024. Do what you’re doing right now.
Does that seem odd? I admit, it’s not advice I’ve seen very often, but I think it’s the best advice I have. Let’s be honest, none of us our living the exact lives we want to live. Heck, some of us — and I include myself in this — aren’t living even a third of our dreams. But we are living. We’re handling our business and not shirking it onto someone else. We’re not making excuses and we’re not flopping around on the floor like a toddler throwing a tantrum. We’re not blaming society or evil bazillionaires or mind-control satellites or our upbringing. We’re facing our flaws, patching them as best we possibly can — sometimes with professional help, WHICH IS PERFECTLY FINE TOO — and we’re getting crap done.
You are fine. I am fine. WE ARE FINE.
I have some creative goals for 2024 — a few things I want to do to push my career as a writer farther toward what I want it to be. My guess is you have some goals, too. Let’s get at them together — you and me and us. Let’s not worry about what someone else thinks we should do4. We know ourselves. We do! We know what we can do — at least what we can do right now and for the next couple of days. Let’s do that and, as they love to say in all those live police shows, then we’ll go from there.
What do you say? I’m serious! Tell me in the comments or drop me an e-mail. I promise I’m not blowing smoke or being purposefully contrarian here. I am, in fact, a grumpy old man5 and what would make me far, far less grumpy is if we had fewer “thought leaders” and “influencers” and more people showing off pieces of their own hearts in the form of art, poems, and amazing stories.
Now. How about an audio story? Yeah? Yeah.
The Big Reboot
Whatever is a “thought leader”, anyhow? Can one lead a thought around, like a puppy on a leash. Does one have a thought and then…lead? If so, isn’t that plain old leadership? Can one lead by thought alone? Is one a Mentat? Is one Piter de Vries? Does one drink the juice of Sapho to set one’s thought in motion? Has one gone too deeply down the Dune rabbit hole for one’s own good?
Not Thought. Good grief! Have you seen my thoughts? Well, no, you haven’t. And a good thing, too!
Aha! A paradox!
Especially when that someone else only cares what we do, if we enroll in their expensive self-help program that TODAY ONLY is 50 percent off.
I’m wearing a cardigan sweater right now. Fact!
I’m pretty close to flopping on the floor like a toddler, but it’s a work—not creative—thing. Lol
I honestly look at myself often like a puzzle that needs solving. While I'll probably give myself some general goals this year, this is a very good reminder. 9/10 we're just fine! Even when we think we aren't.