The Thursday! Newsletter 1-7: Pick Some Words
Volume 1, Issue 7
Did you catch the rather large typo in last week's newsletter?
I didn't until I started this issue, which kind of bugs me. I set out for Thursday! to be a wonderful thing, as perfect as I can make it and bam. Not even ten issues in and I uncork a big typo, which irritates me. Should it? I honestly don't know. It did slip past everyone, including me, until just now. Maybe it's not that big a deal after all. Maybe it's nothing, but what do you think?
This, by the way, is not an invitation for you to go back and look for it, though I can't really stop you. I mean, it happened. It's there. I can't go back and change it. When I think about it, I feel kind of foolish, probably more foolish than the typo actually warrants. But that's the way of regret, isn't it? You mess up and the mistake is right there and you can't really do anything about it except replay a bunch of fantasy scenarios in which you, wielding the +4 Broadsword of Hindsight slay the evil mistake before it can sink its claws into your self-esteem, which in most of the scenarios is chained to a rock outside the Cave of Horrid Regrets in which lives the wicked dragon Regretinax who just waits to pounce upon my helpless self-esteem and consume it one roaring chom--
Ahem. I think I lost the point of that last sentence and it became the opening of the movie Dragonslayer. A fine movie, sure, but not really the point of that sentence or this newsletter, unless you want to dwell on regret. I don't. This year has given us plenty of opportunities for that, don't you think? Let's lay that aside for now and focus on the point I really wanted to make before I spotted that typo: 2021. Or, more precisely, words for 2021.
Some years ago, marketing expert and all-around decent human being Chris Brogan introduced me to "My 3 Words". Back in 2006, Chris decided he needed a lot more focus to how he took care of his business in the coming year. He chose three words to be his "lighthouses" that would help him guide his choices and actions for the year. If he had questions about whether he should take on a project, he'd check his three words. If the project lined up with the words he chose, great. If not, the project wasn't for him. A few years later, Alece Ronzino came up with her own version of the exercise that slimmed the choice down to one word. A bunch of other people have taken up the one word resolution movement, each in their own way.
It's not a bad idea. Honestly, I think three words are a bit cumbersome for me because I tend to drift off and lose focus pretty easily as you may have noticed. One word isn't quite enough, though, because I chafe when anything I do gets put in a single narrow channel. I need some choices but not too many..
Three words is too many. One word is too few. Two words?
Just right.
I don't want to do this alone, though. I'd like you to give it a try along with me. This isn't my attempt to start some new movement or to launch a new website or anything like that. No gimmicks. I hate gimmicks. Besides, you already subscribe to Thursday! and that alone is wonderful to me. No, I'd simply like you to pick one of the ways -- one word or two or three, whichever suits you the best -- and give it a try. Find the word or words that have some action to them. Don't cheat with a hyphenated Frankenword. Don't pick a phrase. Remember that you're picking reminders. They need to stand firmly on their own and act as guides for you, to keep you from drifting into despair or aimlessness or frenzy. You'll write them on stick notes and put them on your computer monitor and bathroom mirror and inside your journal or planner.
Set words with enough strength that you can anchor yourself to them if you need to, because we all know that 2021 might be every bit as crazy as 2020 has been. We don't know but we've surely been warned. Let's get ready. Let's set ourselves so that we can tackle the coming year, pin it to the ground, and loot it as thoroughly as a bunch of crazed adventurers loot a dragon's hoard once they've given the dragon a good pummeling.
Having said all that, here are the two words I've chosen to guide my 2021.
Odd, huh? Fair enough. I'm an odd guy, as you well know. But there are reasons for each word. Next week, I'll tell you why those reasons and also why, if you're stuck for words, they might be good for you to consider as well.
Got to love those cliffhangers, huh? Look at it this way. You have a whole week to think of your word(s) before you find out why I picked mine! Then you can share yours with me, if you like. Heck, you can share them with me before next week if you want. I'd love to know what you chose and why.
Two more things before we're done. First, I hope each one of you has the most wonderful Christmas possible and I wish for you as much love and peace as you can handle. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas. Even if you feel like Christmas has gone right past you. It's okay. Christmas is big enough that you can catch some emanations from the penumbra of the season and no one will tattle on you if you do. Promise. Soak up a little joy and quiet and contentment, even if for just a few minutes. It really is okay. Merry, merry Christmas. You are loved and appreciated. I'm on your side.
Second, I have a bit of an announcement to kind of, sort of, almost make. I have a book coming out. It is my first and not the one I ever expected to publish, but I am thrilled that I am. The working title is One Hungry Werewolf and Other Monstrous Rhymes. It's a poetry picture book for kids and everyone else too. I don't have a release date just yet. My co-creator, Cedar Sanderson, is finishing up the art now after which she'll leap adroitly into layout and a cover. We plan to have the book out next month on Amazon -- dead tree and e-book -- next month.
When that happens, I'll need your help and I'll be pretty shameless about asking for it. The book is quite good and I want to get it into as many hands as possible because I know people are going to love it. You're going to love it. As details firm up, I'll give you better information and maybe another sneak peek or two!
Did I say Merry Christmas? I did? Oh, well. I'll say it again. Merry Christmas and my very best to you. Thank you for reading all the way down. :)
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Here Are the Arts And/Or Letters I Promised...
-- A picture from "One Hungry Werewolf and Other Monstrous Rhymes". Poems by Jimmie Bise, Jr. and art by Cedar Sanderson. Coming January, 2021!
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Here Are Links, Either Useful or Fun!
Someone once hired Salvador Dali to create Christmas cards for Hallmark. Then they did it again. The results were as interesting as you'd expect.
Someone else who wasn't Salvador Dali nor a Hallmark VP finally cracked the Zodiac Killer cipher. And no, it wasn't Ted Cruz.
Make enough things, and learn from each attempt, and you will make good things.
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One Last Thing.
If you'd like to talk back to me, encourage me, suggest something you'd like to see or you'd like me to write about, you can always hit the reply button! I can't promise I'll always answer back, because I'm quite forgetful, but I'll read everything you send.
Remember, Thursday! is a constant work in progress. I didn't have a certain plan for what I wanted the newsletter to be when I started, so it'll change as we go along. Let me know what you like so I know I'm getting it right, okay? Okay!